Cobitis linea
  • Persian name Loch mahi-e-jouybari khardar-e-jonubi (Southern spineal loach)
  • English name Cobitis linea
  • Key features Males with two canestrini’s scales(laminae circulares osseae) at dorsal bases of first and second pectoral-fin rays, latero-caudal branch of the suborbital spine, is reduced or absent and it has 14 branched caudal fin rays (Coad 2014).
  • Conservation status The distribution of this species includes a very narrow geographic area in Kor basin, and its frequency is low in this habitat and is generally considered as a rare species; therefore, it needs extra protection. Among the factors that threaten this species are: pollution and destruction of habitat, drought, invasive alien species, including Gambusia holbrooki, in a way that one of the most important habitats of this species in Fars province is currently destroyed (Esmaeili et al., 2008). Implementation of a conservation and management plan is essential to prevent the over-reduction of its current population. It is recommended to study the biology and ecology of this species. This has not yet been assessed by the IUCN (IUCN, 2015).
  • Habitat and distribution It has been reported only from the upstream of the Kul River near Darab (Hormoz basin) and Kor basin. (Banarescu & Nalbant, 1967; Bianco & Nalbant, 1980). But an extensive survey found no specimens there, as many water bodies had dried out (Teimori, 2006; Esmaeili et al., 2008).